Sunday, June 10, 2007


Superstitions in Psychiatry are very common especially in the ill-informed and illiterate.
1] Belief that Astrologer can diagnose mental illness by knowing the position of planets. The Belief that planets can influence earthly creatures and human beings and their future has not been proved by any of the scientific studies so far. But still belief that planets and heavenly bodies influence us is very prevalent all over the world.
2] Belief that all mental illnesses are due to possession of evil spirits and black magic and prayer are naturally the treatments for the same. Modern psychiatric approach and treatment by psychological and pharmacological methods are the only correct and scientific treatments.
3] Belief that the Allopathic medicines are HOT and should not be used for patients. All so called Allopathic drugs are modern drugs with lot of prolonged scientific research behind it. Systemic study for side effects and toxicity are done for each drug before entering the markets and patients unlike other systems where no such studies and reporting are appallingly absent!
4] Belief that small children will never get mental illness and problems. It is a grave mistake. So many problems, by heredity, by environment, by school stress, by parental discord, parental alcoholism etc,the child is subjected. By proper psychotherapy and treatment these can be alleviated scientifically.
6] Belief that hot countries, places and climate can produce mental illness. This is absolutely wrong.
7] Belief that that by hypnotism we can cure all psychiatric problems. This is also absolutely wrong. Only relatively small problems, those too temporarily are amenable for hypnotism.
8] The strong belief that all mental problems are a disgrace and never ever affect us. This stigma is very dangerous. So people will never seek proper treatment by a psychiatrist early, continue it for sufficient time, sufficient dose etc, instead they go to faith healers, GPs, physicians, neurologists where they get wrong or half cooked treatment for insufficient time. Result will naturally be disastrous.
9] All mental problems can be treated by meditation,psychotherapy etc… This is also a wrong notion.Drug therapy and combined psychotherapy is ideal.Psychotherapy alone will not cure many of the problems.
10]The belief that those who express suicidal ideas will never do that. It is fatally wrong idea. Most who express such ideas by phone ,letter,attempt,dreams etc are definitely prone candidates and all such cases are real cry for help and should be actively treated by a psychiatrist.
11]The belief that most cases of suicide are due to poverty. Absolutely wrong! More than 95% are due to psychiatric problems and should be dealt with like that only.
12] The belief that most mental illnesses are due sins committed during previous birth.There is no scientific proof for birth and rebirth.
13] The belief that most mental illnesses are incurable. When Thiruvananthapuram mental health centre was started the name was Hospital for Incurables! This notion is absolutely wrong considering the tremendous advance made by modern psychiatry. Many psychiatric problems will have effective relief and cure if treated early and effectively and rest of the cases will have good social and occupational recovery if proper modern therapy is instituted.

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