Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Short Resume of CBT-Read&Correct Yourself

1. Tension problems - can have somatic, psychological, social dimensions.lke headaches,bodyaches,abdominal complaints,palpitations,depressions,worry,suspicions,obsessions,fears,sleeplessness,anger etc etc

2. And tension thoughts cause >Feelings and Behaviors.

3. Based on assumption or guess that most emotional and behavioral reactions-wrong habits are learned.

4. Benefit of remaining calm or at least neutral when faced with difficult situations. (If you are upset by your problems, you now have 2 problems: 1) the problem, and 2) your tension about the problem

5. "Rational thoughts." –are Facts and not assumptions

6. Most emotional and behavioral reactions are learned.That is bad learning

7. What is irrational thinking? It is wrong thinking

What types of thinking are problematical for human beings? Or the wrong thoughts are:

· I need love and approval from those around to me.

· I must avoid disapproval from any source.

· To be worthwhile as a person I must achieve success at whatever I do.

· I can not allow myself to make mistakes.

· People should always do the right thing. When they behave badly, unfairly or selfishly, they must be blamed and punished.

· Things must be the way I want them to be.

· My unhappiness is caused by things that are outside my control – so there is nothing I can do to feel any better.

· I must worry about things that could be dangerous, unpleasant or frightening – otherwise they might happen.

· I must avoid life’s difficulties, unpleasantness, and responsibilities. You will try but not always succeed

· Everyone needs to depend on someone stronger than themselves.

· Events in my past are the cause of my problems – and they continue to influence my feelings and behaviours now.

· I should become upset when other people have problems, and feel unhappy when they’re sad.

· I shouldn’t have to feel discomfort and pain.

· Every problem should have an ideal solution.

Ego disturbance:

8. Emotional tension resulting from the perception that one’s ‘self’ or personal worth is threatened – and lead to other problems such as avoidance of situations where failure, disapproval, etc. might occur.

9. Looking to other people for acceptance; and unassertive behaviour through fear of what others may think.

10. Discomfort disturbance:

11. Results from demands about others (e.g. ‘People must treat me right’) and about the world (e.g. “The circumstances under which I live must be the way I want”).

· Self-help exercises

· Experiential activities

· Discussing

· Thought Stopping

· Intentional Reframing

12The process:A →B → C Understand the

· A = Activating Event of tension.

· B = Beliefs, Thoughts, Attitudes, Assumptions of tension.

· C = Consequences, Feelings, Emotions, Behaviors, Actions of tension.

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